Magnolia Middle School is asking all parents/guardians to update their HAC (Home Access Center) accounts by including a current, valid, parental email address. STEPS:
1) Login to your HAC account by clicking here » https://hac23.esp.k12.ar.us/HomeAccess/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fhomeaccess
(If you need login information, please contact the school at 234-2206)
2) Click the REGISTRATION tab at the top.
3) Scroll down to the CONTACT section and click the "EDIT" button which is on the right side of the screen.
4) Scroll down to add or edit your email. (the parent's email)
5) Click SAVE at the top of the screen
Also, If the parent/guardian contact information needs to be updated, please contact the school (234-2206) or the registrar's office (901-2513).
We are working hard to keep our students' parents informed regarding assignments, grades, attendance, discipline, etc. We appreciate you taking the time to make sure that your contact information is current and that you have included your email address.