It’s that time! Mystery Lunch Lady! Panther Football served up those 🌮🌮🌮 hot and fresh!

The best kind of referrals!!!! Great job, kiddos!

Mrs. Selph’s intern, Miss Ledbetter, is taking advantage of this beautiful day for read aloud and vocabulary!

Great job, Leland!

Lunch winners!!!

Scarlett did a great job with the pledge!

Unity in the house! Warmest welcomes this morning!

Time for some PANTHER PRAISE! Submit your PANTHER PRAISE using this link! https://forms.office.com/r/schgULxj8c

Winter Break is coming! No School for students on Feb. 10 & 13.

Great job, Julia!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

SAU Treat Trolly is our favorite!


We LOVE our MJCL volunteers!

Samar did a great job with the Pledge this morning!

Mrs. Selph’s class on 100
Days of School!

100 Days Smarter!

Great choices! Positive Behavior Referral!

Mrs. Rader is feeling the love! 🤣

Mrs. Graham’s artists working hard!

Book Fair is open 8-2:30, closed for lunch 12-1, Feb. 2-3 and Feb. 6-9. We will close at 12 noon on Feb. 9th to pack up. There are taxes added at 10.375% to each transaction. Come see us soon! -Mrs. Terry