Fun Friday!

Positive Office Referrals!!!

Help us welcome, Mrs. Dudley!
“My name is Sarah Campbell, although I’m getting married next month so the kids know me as Mrs. Dudley!
I currently have my Bachelor’s in Psych and a Graduate Certificate in Education. I am a school counseling student at SAU, and part of my study includes interning with a local school counselor. If everything goes as planned I will be graduating with my Master’s of Education in School Counseling in May 2024!
I’m excited to work with all the kids here at Eastside! I know several of the kids from my time working at the Boys and Girls Club and volunteering here at Eastside, and I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone better!
My personal mission is to work in an effort to make our community a place where all children have someone they trust, who gives them one-on-one attention, who makes them feel safe, and who empowers them to accomplish all their goals.
My favorite things are playing with my dog Rosie, hanging out with my fiancé, and Disney World!”

Go Panthers!

We had a donation of fuzzy socks for chilly feet! The kids love them. 🧦Thank you S&S Home Center Ace Hardware of Magnolia, AR!!-Mrs. Stockwell

We are excited to welcome to Miss Ledbetter to Mrs. Selph's 2nd Grade Classroom!

East Side Book Fair
Feb. 1-3 & 6-9 open 8-2:30. Closing at 12 noon on Feb. 9th to pack up. Sign your East Side children up for FREE giveaways when you visit the book fair. Volunteers are needed: email Jana.terry@magnoliaschools.net or call the school. Ewallets can be set up now!

Positive Behavior!

100th Day Celebration!!!

Positive Behavior!!!

Positive Office Referrals!

Panther Praise!!!

Name that Tune with Peoples Bank!

February 2023 Lunch K-2

February 2023 Kindergarten Breakfast

February 2023 Breakfast 1st-2nd Grade

Father-Daughter Dance Forms due Wednesday, January 25!

THANK YOU to Unity Church for all the love!

This year the February parent-teacher conferences on the MMS and MHS campuses fall on Valentines Day. To avoid any conflict of planned activities, the conferences for those two campuses have been moved to Thursday, February 16.

Positive Behavior!