Celebrity sighting at East Side Pep Rally! Character word of the month, Responsibility!

Pink Out for the Panthers!

Don't forget this completely FREE event for the entire family tomorrow!

Congratulations to these winners of the MJCL Fair Coloring Contest!
1st place- A’Layshia Ellis - Selph
2nd - Karman Hall - Reynolds
3rd- Nayley Morgan - Stuart

Thank you to our ladies at the Columbia County Health Unit, Nurse Kristie, Nurse Alesha, and PIE for a successful Flu Clinic!

Football Fridays are our favorite!

Glenda the Good Witch at Flu Clinic!

Positive office referrals! Best way to end the day!

East Side students are enjoying the library today!

Peoples Bank kicked off NAME THAT TUNE today! Three lucky teachers won some pretty cool swag for playing along! Kindergarten building she’s coming for you next week!

Peoples Bank and Southern Aluminum teacher spotlight! Congratulations, Mrs. Howell!



We got BOOed! Thank you, Waller family!

Hello! I am Jana Terry, your child’s library teacher! This is my twenty- eighth year in education. I taught 14 years in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, I have also been a medical librarian for University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) for 6 years. I love helping to teach our students to read! It is so wonderful to see the students realize that they can read. The students may take an Accelerated Reader test on their library book after reading it 3 – 5 times. When the students pass their test, they earn points. I let them pick out prizes at different point levels up to 300 points. Please encourage your children to read their books and take AR tests. I am excited for the new school year and to see what color dot that they will reach. If you have any questions about AR, please feel free to contact me at jana.terry@magnoliaschools.net. I will be glad to explain the process of earning points and changing color dots. Hope to see you at our BOOK FAIRS this year!!

District Wide Food Drive hosted by Partners in Education to benefit MSD Food Pantries! October 10-14, 2022!

Our teachers go the extra mile! Best students, teachers, & parents!

Meet Mrs. Talley
Hello! I’m Jessica Talley, and I am your child’s technology teacher! This is my fifth year teaching all things robotics and technology. Before that, I taught 10 years in second grade here at East Side. I absolutely LOVE teaching our younger kiddos to type, code, and design through apps! Besides showcasing all of our neat robots, my new favorite topic to teach is 3D printing. There are many fun ideas little minds can come up with to print! I’m excited to take on a new school year and see all the amazing projects we can do and share with you via technology. Thank you for entrusting us with your children!!

Congratulations to our lunch winners for this week!

Fun Friday!!!!!!