Meet Nurse Kristie, Kindergarten Nurse!
"I am Nurse Kristie, Licensed Practical Nurse since 2009, am starting my second year as the Kindergarten Nurse and fourth year with Magnolia School District.
I believe that school nursing is not just about medicine, ice packs, and bandaids but also about love. My hope is that each student that walks into my office will know they are loved and safe."
Extra pair of clothing in backpacks
Stay home if temperature is above 100.4, vomiting/diarrhea, pink eye, lice or a rash.
NOTIFY IMMEDIATELY for any medical changes.
Contact with any questions or concerns:

Thank you to our Panther Partners, SAU Mulerider Activities Center & Anne Sands! Treat Trolly Fridays are BACK!!!!

Kindergarten is working hard learning to type!

Mrs. Phillips class is cheering on our Panthers!

We are ready to cheer on our Panthers!

In honor of the Homecoming theme Fairytales, we are dressing up tomorrow!!!

Thank you, PIE! Our staff is enjoying pizza between conferences!

THANK YOU to the Graham family for feeding our Kindergarten staff for Parent Teacher Conferences! BBQ! YUM!

Congratulations to this week's LUNCH winners!

We love MHS Tennis and Coach Malone!

You are Invited!

Mrs. Leah Wylie is the secretary in the 1st & 2nd Grade Office. She says, "I love my East Side Family. I enjoy all the little smiling faces I see each day. Those faces make my job a blessing. My goal each day is to make sure I take care of the needs of every student, parent, and staff. East Side is the BEST!"
Reminders from Mrs. Wylie:
Office Number: 870-234-5611
Drop off ends at 8:05. At that time, you must walk with your child to the office to check them in. Students will be counted tardy after 8:05am.
Checking students out early DOES count as either a tardy or absence depending on the time. Students are only allowed a certain number of tardies and absences.
All transportation changes must be made before 12:00pm. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at East Side and I will do my best to help.

Tennis shirts are in and can be picked up at the East Side office Monday! We will put students shirts in backpacks to go home Monday! Thank you for supporting MHS Tennis and Coach Malone! Wear Tuesday! Go Tennis!

Mrs. Howell’s class loves the Panthers!

Progress Reports Go Home Today!

We love SAU athletes!

We look forward to seeing our Panther Partners this morning! All community members, businesses, and individuals are welcome to join to find out how you can be involved at East Side! GO PANTHERS!

Donuts with Grownups! Everyone was blessed today!

Donuts with GROWNUPS Round 2!

Panther Proud!!!!