Hi Everybody!
Progress Reports for the 3rd Quarter will be coming home with students Thursday, February 4.
The 3rd Quarter's parent conferences will be held virtually.
We will be holding conferences through ZOOM on Tuesday, February 9, from 3:30 — 6:30pm.
So, in addition to their Progress Reports, all students will be given a Conference Scheduling Sheet.
If you would like a conference with all or some of your child's teachers, please fill out the boxes on the on the back of this sheet according to which teachers you would like to "see".
Teachers will ask to see this sheet in class on the next school day.
Teachers will send an email with your conference time and code to the email address you provide on this sheet. To accommodate as many parents as possible, each conference will be allotted 10 minutes.
If you do not have internet access and wish to have a conference, please check whether you would prefer a phone call conference or a face-to-face meeting.
Sincerely. Thank you.