School Board Appreciation Month
THANK YOU for your service!

Time for a "Praise a Panther" announcement! Today's praise goes out to Anne Sands! One of our faithful volunteers!
If you would like to give a staff member or volunteer a SHOUT OUT, use the link below:

"Praise a Panther"
SHOUT OUT a staff member or volunteer using the form below!

No school, Monday, January 16, 2023!

Happy Birthday to the lady who keeps this place running smoothly and us in line!

SAU Treat Trolly!

Positive Office Referrals!!! ❤️

Was there even a question?!
Congratulations, Coach Malone and Mrs. Story!
Banner News 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards

1st Grade loves Mr. George!

Report Cards go home today!

Welcome home, PFC Coke!!! THANK YOU for your service and letting us be part of this today!

Congratulations to Mrs. Weldon on her newest grand baby, James Allen Weldon!

Jaymee Integrity teaching us all about the word of the month! Integrity!

The Spirit Stick goes to 2nd grade this month!

We so appreciate the Panther Pantry donations coming in!

Panther Partners Southern Aluminum and Peoples Bank Spotlight! Congratulations, Kimmy Stephens!

Positive Behavior Write Up! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

THANK YOU, Farmers Bank & Trust for helping us restock the Panther Pantry!!!

Recess create the best memories!

Substitutes Needed!