Donations have started coming in for the Panther Pantry since our post yesterday! We are so thankful for such a caring and generous community!

Tuesday Tunes with Peoples Bank! 🎶

It’s been an exciting day for our kids! Congratulations, Phillips Family!

Father Daughter Dance Sponsored by PIE

Congratulations, Crowell Family!

Panther Pantry is running low on a few items! These can be dropped off at either one of our front offices or sent with your child to school. We SO appreciate the continued support of this program!

Lunch Winners!

THANK YOU to our Panther Partner Hampton Inn Express for the yummy donuts this morning!

Congratulations to our students who were recently acknowledged for Excellence in Reading!

THANK YOU, MJCL for your donation of hats and gloves!

Coach Malone and Mrs. Neal both received recognition for Perfect Attendance for the 1st semester! Coach Malone received a free pizza from Domino’s and Mrs. Neal received a Sonic gift card from Krystal Goodwin!

Starting off the new year with stop motion in lab!

A great way to start the New Year!

Panthers Pay it Forward!!!

Friday, January 6 is Neon Dress Up Day! GO PANTHERS!

See you tomorrow! Parents make sure to come to a full stop before dropping off! Slow rolls are dangerous!

During the month of December, First United Methodist Church collected gloves, scarves, hats, underwear, and socks on The Giving Tree. All items collected were donated to East Side to use for our kids! Thank you, FUMC!

Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament Schedule @ Lake Hamilton

In the spirit of giving, Mrs. Williams’ 2nd grade class all brought an item to place in a gift basket for an elder at Wentworth.

Quota Club of Magnolia made a $300 donation today for warm clothes for the kids. Thank you!