More donations going in!

THANK YOU to the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee for your donation of school supplies!

Crowell Christmas Lights Donations!

Canned Food Drive EXTENDED!

We are EXTENDING our Food Drive through Tuesday, December 20!

Hadley and dad brought in 500 cans!

A huge THANK YOU to Farmers Bank & Trust for sponsoring our hot cocoa bar! Vivian Graham presented hand drawn ornaments as a thank you!

Panther Pals! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you, PIE!

All students who visit the lights get a small prize and then their tickets get put back in for the big prizes!

Thank you for making your donation, Aubrey!

Harmonei putting her ticket donation in at the Crowell Christmas Lights!

We are loving seeing the pictures of our families visiting the Crowell Christmas Lights! You guys still have time to get those tickets in the donation box!

Polar Express Day is tomorrow! Don’t forget to wear pajamas!

A huge THANK YOU to PIE for the donation of basketball goals on our playground!

Can Count

Sutton and family had a fun night visiting the Crowell Family Lights while supporting Panther Pantry! Thank you for your support!

Sutton wheeled in his vans today for the Stewpot! Go First Grade!

We enjoyed having our Panther Partners from Farmers Bank & Trust hand out red tickets 🎟️ for positive behavior today! THANK YOU for making time for our kids today!

Last day of tutoring and these rock stars loaded those babies in their cars in a downpour!!