Greg Rich made a donation in the amount of $500 to the Panther Pantry in honor of all the families who visited The Crowell Christmas Lights through Panthers Pay it Forward! Over 150 families visited the lights and dropped in their green tickets! It’s a great day to be a Panther!

Cans are loaded and that’s a wrap! Thank you to all who helped with this year’s Canned Food Drive!

We love Mr. George!

K-2 Lunch Menu January 2023

1st & 2nd Breakfast Menu January 2023

Kindergarten January 2023 Breakfast Menu

Staff Shout Out Time!

Congratulations to these winners! Students earned tickets for positive behavior this month! These lucky kiddos rode their bikes down the hallways & into their classrooms! Because of our generous parents we were able to give away 6 bikes!

Second Grade prize winners for Panthers Pay it Forward! Thank you to Krystal Goodwin with Magnolia Real Estate Professionals, Anne Sands and SAU, and Hampton Inn Express for providing all of the prizes!

First Grade prize winners for Panthers Pay it Forward! Thank you to Krystal Goodwin with Magnolia Real Estate Professionals, Anne Sands and SAU, and Hampton Inn Express for providing all of the prizes!

Congratulations to Second Grade! Winners of the canned food drive!

Name That Tune with Peoples Bank!!!

Mrs. Waters and Ja’Marion from the MHS Work Based Learning Program organized and took inventory this afternoon of the Panther Pantry! A HUGE undertaking and blessing to us! THANK YOU!

Lunch winners!

Our families took this project seriously!!!! Students making their donation at the Crowell Christmas Lights!

Mrs. Hoffman had the cutest helper to drop in her ticket!

Jakoby went to the Crowell Christmas Lights with his ticket!

Austin and Jaxon dropping off their donation!

Today is the LAST day to get your donation in! For every ticket turned in, Greg Rich will be donating to the Panther Pantry in conjunction with the Crowell Christmas Lights!

One more day to get your tickets in!