We got our first round of green tickets back from Panthers Pay it Forward! These lucky kiddos got to pick a treat out of Mrs. Lindsey’s treat bag and their tickets are going back in for the big prizes! Thank you to these families for your support of Panther Pantry!

We have jackets upon jackets upon jackets in our Lost and Found!

Grinch Day TOMORROW, Friday, December 9! Wear green!

Can count!

This competition is really starting to heat up!

We are so proud!

Can Count

Canned Food Drive!!!

We love having SAU Vistas on campus!

Canned Food Drive Count!

Red Tickets! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Best way to start the day!

The Arkansas Department of Education donated more than 20 books to our district. These are the books East Side received.

Lunch Winners!

Thank you, SAU and Anne Sands for your donation of styluses for our students!

We are kicking off PANTHERS PAY IT FORWARD this week!
Panthers Pay it Forward is a project we hope the whole family will participate in! Every year the Crowell Family puts on a light show that benefits local non-profits. This year part of the proceeds will benefit Panther Pantry. Panther Pantry is housed at East Side Elementary and is our food program that helps families in our school over the weekend by providing shelf stable, easy open, and even cold ingredients (including meats, cheeses, milk, fresh fruits, etc) to make meals for the entire family to eat.
Your child will be introduced to this project in Mrs. Talley's Technology Class. The word of the month is COMPASSION, and we can't think of a better way to show compassion.
So what do you need to do?
Load up the family, head to the address below, place this ticket in the donation box, and enjoy the show with your family!
For extra entries for the prize giveaway, take a picture of your child or your family at the Crowell Lights and post to Facebook using the hashtag #PantherPantry or email the photo to Whitteni.lindsey@magnoliaschools.net.
The Crowell Lights are located at 411 Warnock Springs Road, Magnolia, AR 71753
Lights are on from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm
Park on Chinquepin Dr. and walk through the light tunnels to enter. The donation box is where the walking path meets the driveway.
This is not a drive thru lights show. The light show is competely FREE to attend. This ticket serves as your donation but, of course, you can contribute more if you wish! The Crowells are also accepting donations of new socks, new underwear, or food; and those can be placed in the donation box as well!
We hope this project provides a FREE, family-friendly activity that is right here in Magnolia where students can learn about COMPASSION and helping others while increasing awareness of hunger in our community.
A big THANK YOU to Greg Rich for making this possible!

We plan to do a whole bunch of loving on Mr. George over the next couple of weeks! Please keep him in your thoughts! You got this, Mr. George! We love you!

Mrs. Lindsey and these sillies have a BIG and fun announcement for our school on Monday!

SAU Treat Trolly spread Christmas cheer for all to hear! Representatives from SAU Greek Organizations sang Christmas Carols down the hallways today!

When big sister shows up at your campus! ❤️