Panther Pantry Post!
Imagine receiving a box full of ingredients for meals your family loves to get through the weekend! How empowering!
This box is going to one of our secondary families. We are thankful for that coach that takes the time to facilitate this for us each week!

Pickles has arrived!

What an honor to be presented with the RISE Award on behalf of Magnolia School District! THANK YOU to our community and partners who have helped us develop this culture of reading!

This team knocked it out of the park introducing our Canned Food Drive! GREAT JOB, as always!

THANK YOU to Ms. Barker and MHS cheerleaders for kicking off our pep rally today! Good luck at your competition Saturday!

We are proud of our students!!!

An extremely animated Craig O’Neill read to Mrs. Creech’s class!!

Congratulations to Mrs. Franks for being chosen as Peoples Bank and Southern Aluminum teacher spotlight!

Great job, Kay’lei!

First ticket awarded!

Thank you to the Fitzgerald family for your donation of fresh fruit to Panther Pantry! What a blessing!

Thank you to the Graham family for donating bikes for our Annual December Giveaway Incentives! All students will be eligible to earn tickets for positive behavior! We will draw for bikes right before Christmas Break!

Positive Office Referrals!!!

Positive Behavior gets rewarded around here!

Congratulations to our Students of the Month! Shouting a special THANK YOU to Farmers Bank & Trust for their continued support of this program!

NAME THAT TUNE with Peoples Bank!

Should there be a limit of how many times you win NAME THAT TUNE?!

TWO positive office referrals in one month for this sweetheart! Keep up the great work!

A great way to come back from break!

Poster winners from the fair! Congratulations!