Positive Office Referrals! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

The Magnolia School District is experiencing internet connection issues. This is also affecting our phone service. Currently the phone system is down at all campuses. We are working on the problem and apologize for any inconvenience. Updates will be sent out as we learn more about the problem.

Counting routines with pumpkin seeds in Mrs. Stockwell’s class!

THANK YOU to Magnolia Junior Charity League for the $400 grant to supply our students with tablet styluses!

Peoples Bank was back this morning with NAME THAT TUNE!
We know everyone wants to play and have all the fun East Side is having so be sure to join Peoples Bank Facebook at 5pm TODAY for…..you guessed it…..NAME THAT TUNE!
We hear the prizes are pretty awesome!

PIE Meeting Postponed

Counting collections today was for comparing two groups of numbers in Mrs. Walthall’s class!

Congratulations to our lunch winners!

Our favorite part of the week! Treat Trolly!!!!

Positive Office Referral! 👏🏻

GOOD LUCK to our Panthers TONIGHT!

Congratulations, MAGNOLIA!
Six School District, Community Partnerships Receive
R.I.S.E. Community Awards for 2021-2022
LITTLE ROCK — There is no doubt that when schools and communities partner together, great things can happen that support student success. The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to recognize six partnerships that demonstrate the benefit of school/community collaboration while building a strong culture of reading for students, their families, and the community.
During today’s State Board of Education meeting, ADE recognized Batesville, Greenbrier, and Magnolia as gold level R.I.S.E. Communities for 2021-2022 for their commitment to promoting literacy beyond school buildings and into surrounding communities. In addition to these three partnerships, Hope, McGehee, and Friendship Aspire in Pine Bluff were recognized as bronze winners.
“The partnerships between schools and community organizations in these six cities have resulted in improved access to books for students, enhanced awareness of the importance of reading on grade level, and a community culture that embraces reading,” ADE Secretary Johnny Key said. “I am extremely proud of these partnerships, which serve as role models for other communities. When we partner together toward a common goal, students are always the winners.”
Building a culture of reading is one of the foundational goals of the Reading Initiative for Student Excellence, or R.I.S.E. Arkansas, program. To encourage reading beyond just the classroom, ADE developed the R.I.S.E. Communities program to recognize districts, community members, and organizations that partner together to promote a culture of reading for residents of all ages.
To be eligible for the recognition, districts and communities submitted a letter of commitment, developed an action plan, and provided a portfolio that showed evidence of implementation throughout the year. While some community events were new, others were annual events that refocused their attention on the importance of literacy. During this time, the department provided guidance, resources, and support for engaging the community in planned reading activities. Applications were then scored using a rubric.
The common element across all communities was the desire and effort to increase the number of books for children. In Batesville, partners hosted a “Tale-gate” party and collected more than 8,000 books that were then donated to children in the community. Partners also worked with local restaurants to provide activity placemats that highlight the five components of reading.
Greenbrier’s Christmas parade received a new theme, “RISE up in Lights,” that focused on literacy. The community partnership also challenged residents to complete Science of Reading activities via a geocaching scavenger hunt about the history of Greenbrier.
Magnolia implemented free little libraries in public spaces throughout the community for families to access books for children and also promoted literacy for secondary students through a financial literacy event.
To learn more about how to become a R.I.S.E. Community, visit https://bit.ly/3SKf6YH.

eWallet information for upcoming Book Fair!

A few more AR awards were given in the library today! We love helping our students read and take Accelerated Reader tests! - Mrs. Terry

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
November 12-20
Click Here For More Information: https://hhweek.org/

There isn't another like her! We are thankful for you, Mrs. Eddy!

We hope everyone is making the trip to the playoffs to support our football boys as they take on Robinson tomorrow! Take note of this road closure before you head that way! It begins at 10pm tomorrow.

Students received Accelerated Reader awards in the library this week. Keep up the good work!-Mrs. Terry

Birthday lunch with Mrs. Leah!

Staff Shout Out Time!!!