Look what has been delivered today!! Book Fair is November 14-18. It will be open from 8:00 - 2:30 daily. We will also be open for Parent-Teacher Conferences until 5:45 on November 17th. Come shop or you can set up an ewallet for your children! - Mrs. Terry

Mrs. Roberson’s class learned about signs of Fall in the library. - Mrs. Terry

2022-2023 Basketball Schedule

We are excited to dress up and celebrate Veterans Day this Friday; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be doing our Veterans Day Assembly. Veterans signed up will be contacted.

We have SO much to be thankful for at East Side!

Positive behavior! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Positive Office Referral!!!!

Lunch winners!!!

Panther Pantry Post
We will NEVER lock food up. Staff & students face enough obstacles fighting hunger and a lock on the Pantry will NEVER be one of those!
Any staff member, at any time, can access the food pantry.

Staff Shout Out Time!!! Submit yours here!

Staff Shout Out Time!!! Submit yours here!

Dress Up Days UPDATED

CADC Commodities Distribution
Click Here for more information: https://5il.co/1k8ni

Thank you, Greg Rich & PIE, for your Panther Pantry donation!

Thank you, SAU Vistas, for spreading Treat Trolly cheer!

Lots of Gnomies earned AR awards today when we had our activity trip to the library!!! Go Gnomies! Keep reading!!!! 📖📖 - Mrs. Creech

STEAM Activity! Mrs. Neal's Turtles are building houses for the big wolf to try to blow over!

Earning lunch with the teacher is a big deal!!!

Panther Pantry Post!
It was time for another big shopping trip! These three kiddos helped us shop for the month of November. They had to follow the list, make sure all ingredients were accounted for, we had enough of each item compared to what was already in the pantry, compare cost vs. size, items could fit in a backpack, help scan, bag, load and unload. They worked hard!
They even got to pick out their favorite item to add to the bags this week!
THANK YOU to our supporters for making this possible! We have a delicious menu for this month!

Can someone please get Mrs. Leah a butterfinger?!?! 🤣🤣🤣