Picnic on the Playground!

Thank you to MHS Basketball, MHS Softball, & MHS Work Based Program for being lunch buddies at Picnic on the Playground!

Meet our Counselor, Anissa Franks!
My name is Anissa Franks. I have have been married for 14 years to my awesome husband, and we have one beautiful daughter. I am the school counselor at East Side Elementary. I have been in education for 9 years, and I have been a school counselor for three years. My greatest joy in being a counselor is advocating for each student in a way to help them reach their highest potential. I also enjoy being a “cheerleader “ for my students and coworkers in any way that they may need me. Each of these things fill my “bucket” each day.❤️

MJCL donated a box of care packages to the Panther Pantry. Each bag contains shampoo, conditioner, and soap. THANK YOU, MJCL!

Red Ribbon Week Discounts!

No after school tutoring on Monday, October 31, 2022.

November Lunch Menu K-2

November 1st & 2nd Grade Breakfast Menu

November Kindergarten Breakfast Menu

Name that Tune Prize Winners! “Thank you” to Haley & People’s Bank for bringing so much fun to our campus!

This will be sent home in folders today!

Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! “THANK YOU” to Farmers Bank & Trust for your sponsorship of SOTM!

Our staff! We are blessed with the absolute best!

Leadership Arkansas
"October's Leadership Arkansas session took us to Fort Smith where we focused on Military and Economic Development. I was eager to learn more about what is happening on Ebbing Air National Guard Base to accommodate the partnership between the 188th Wing and the Republic of Singapore Air Force squadron, the Arkansas National Guard, 188th Wing Mission, and future missions. Next, our tour took us by Black Hawks to Fort Chaffee where we explored the state of art technology used to train soldiers who come in to Fort Chaffee from all over the world.
Our final day took us to tour Rheem, PEAK Innovation Center, and Arkansas Colleges of Health Education.
Thank you for letting me represent you, Magnolia School District and Magnolia Community! Two sessions in and I can join the alumni from Magnolia in saying this is a top notch program and I hope more from Magnolia will apply in the future!"- Whitteni Lindsey

1st grade enjoyed their field trip to the Pumpkin Patch today!

Picnic on the Playground Information!

Congratulations to this week's lunch winners!!!!

The Astronauts rocked Space Day! It would not have been complete without a visit from Dr. Young. He is retired from NASA and came to tell our class all about space! 🚀🌟🌎-Miss Staton

Mrs. Howell’s class doing counting collections with a fun fall recipe!

Staff Shout Outs! We have such a special thing going on here at East Side! Best staff, students, and parents!